Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dreamy McDreamerson

So, last night (in my sleep mind you) I fell into the inevitable occult that is Robert Pattinson.  While I am proudly uninterested in Twilight, I'm guessing my subconscious could only fend off his beauty for so long...what with his face being plastered everywhere, and life size cutouts roaming the city, it was inevitable and I am surely just a victim of the craze, taken captive against my will.  Anyway, it was a strange dream and I'd rather give you choppy points of it, then run down everything.

- Initially, I had a few points listed then after re-reading them, noticed it didn't do the dream justice. 

- So instead, I've taken them out, replaced them with this, and you can think I dreamt whatever you feel like thinking I dreamt.

- Kind of a cop-out on my part being the 'blogger' and you the 'reader', but fuck, life's tough. Anyway, by the time I was listing I'd forgot most of the dream, and thats just a real shame.

Either way, it may not have been much, but for one dream day it was pretty eventful (and not far off from my better real-life moments). End point: I had a good dream last night and woke up pretty bubbly.  Now I must go pack for a beach weekend. 

Ft Myers beach, be ready.

Side Note: Regina Spektor's new cd has let me down. I was fooled by the singles, heard the cd, and think it's safe to say that the gospel should be left to the choir.  Too much of the same shit man, where'd the umph go? This disappointment is It's Blitz! all over again. 

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