Monday, July 5, 2010
i had the power
Friday, July 2, 2010
the balcony sessions
April 14
everything lasts as long as it can.
as long as
it's meant to.
even the most miniscule,
marked by the swinging of the blinds.
away, back again,
and then a breeze;
Sleep soundly now, dearest. The people have gone.
Skin spilled secrets.
Misinterpretation coddling
sweating through walls by
the hand of a searing son.
misanthrope(ist) reeled back in,
screaming 'Eat me whole or;
leave me be."
But it'd been by an
governable hand
(not will)
that damage had been done.
Reflection Reflectshun
That night the skies were set on
The image being
made ambiguous by the flames.
all of you stood.
All of you stand.
Weary, searching,
You can't prove a thing.
To beguile.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
a little fictitious something,-
-kind of like the truth on adderall.
note: fiction, guys. fiction. the person talking is not "me" and this did not happen.
"He fought for connections, roped them in and hog tied them, the other end of the rope secured round his torso. I saw him try to swim, and knew incessantly what he wanted. He wanted a synchronized group complete with flirty choreography and pearly smiles. i wanted to fly south for winter, our bodies forming a v in the sky. Though, not the two of us. Such recognition in another person as I found in him are dangerous. He too knows the fierceness and integrity of what barricaded our boxes aside from one another. The reflection of a reflection of the glare in his eyes told me so.
He faulted though and spoke aloud. Never speak aloud.
"This is not the way to go about things, this is desperate; and desperation is ugly."
My eyes cut because I do not know you yet. Do not speak to me, you've only begun to disrupt the conversation other plains of ourselves had been having. And the importance of having such are immense, more so than say, speaking.
Elevation saved via actions of normally negative connotations. Luckily though sincerity of motive is key in this realm.
Morality mortality, (you must take the genuine as it shows itself to you) and you know that, so we continued.
Our thoughts spoke and relayed the fears and insecurities one in the same. we don't know each other(them). our minds our hearts ourselves are not at all in synch. as you are not in synch with he and he and him and she and them and the rope is knotting and everything is now as it inevitably had to be, a cluster, it's surface covered down to the most microscopic bit of negative space.
We look deeply and see though, the center is hollow and so are the things that compose it.
He misses the stability he didn't know he had. And i, the stability i knew i had but refused to admire in knowing I was made to lose it. for the first time in our lives neither of us had a home besides the one we were building in the understanding of one another. the idea which is only now cemented and secreting through the pores of every surface living and not, in the truths that finally, no one can dissemble. Our eyes scanned as our minds did, in recognition of a foreign counterpart. But even the home we were building in one another was built on longing. We are not stable, and a pile of instability does not make it anything more than such. I almost opened my mouth to introduce myself formally but i'd decided on recoiling all my ropes that morning and thus I sure as hell couldn't throw out another. He nodded a slow paced nod moving as though he were barely managing to do so without his understanding slipping out. I smiled, veering away."
is consciously hating fairweather relationships as wrong as initiating and controlling such?
i enjoy thinking no, but only because I am fully aware of the line I walk. participation is a commitment in itself, baby.
usually I push things too far but i guess that's how I like it.
i figure there's always the chance someone will get something out of this, this being anything.
i mean, thats the greatness in creation right?:
it didn't exist but by your hand now does, and as much as it may not matter, you've now also created the chance that it could.
i do say, i may be back.